Modern Languages

Subject Team

Mrs Harris (Head of Department)
Mrs Inns
Mrs Crawford
Mr Patterson

Subject Overview

Bienvenue! Bienvenidas!

Welcome to the MODERN LANGUAGES page!

Modern Foreign Languages play an important role in the curriculum at TJHS, as all pupils study French initially and some will also take up Spanish in Year 9.

Many pupils will come to TJHS having perhaps studied a language in their Primary School, while others have no previous experience  –  we cater for all abilities.

Pupils are encouraged to consider taking a GCSE in a Modern Language at their next school, in order to enhance their career opportunities. It is worth noting that many third level education establishments stipulate that a language at GCSE is essential criteria for entry.

Learning a language is a long term investment. English can get you so far, but languages will take you further!

What You Will Learn

There are four assessed skills in Modern Languages:

  1. Listening
  2. Speaking
  3. Reading
  4. Writing

Key topics covered across all skills in French include:

Year  8

  • An introduction to French culture, geography and habits
  • Learning how to meet and greet a French person
  • Talking about how you are and asking someone else
  • Giving and asking ages
  • Learning numbers, dates, days and months
  • Vocabulary for classroom objects
  • Recognising classroom instructions and key language
  • Talking about where you and others live
  • Learning about key French festival
  • Countries and nationalities
  • Family members

Year  9

  • Talking about pets and farm animals
  • Physical description and personality
  • Weather and seasons
  • Talking about sports you play and do
  • Giving opinions and justifying these
  • Learning vocabulary associated with free time and leisure activities

Year  10

  • Focus on ‘La Rochelle’
  • Talking about your own town and surrounding area
  •  Vocabulary for shops
  • Describing what there is/isn’t in your town
  • Learning how to ask for and give directions
  • Telling the time in French
  • The French school system and subjects
  • French meals, food and drinks

Key topics covered in Spanish include:

Year 9

  • Self, Family & Friends
  • Home life/Daily Routine
  • Hobbies and Interests
  • School
  • Holiday/Café

Pupils will also learn:

  • Numbers 1-50
  • Dates
  • Months
  • Time
  • Colours
  • Alphabet

Year 10

  • Self, Family & Friends – Description
  • Home life/Daily Routine – a.m./p.m.
  • Hobbies and Interests – different verbs / musical instruments / preferences
  • School – subjects
  • Objects and positions
  • Transport to and from school.
  • Getting around – Places/directions/positions
  • Public Services – Post Office/Bank
  • Shopping – supermarket/weights 1 – 500/ souvenirs and signs
  • Weather – plus seasons
  • Work and continuing education – family jobs and places of work

Career Paths

Modern Languages offer great opportunities in any field of work and expand options to work internationally. Learning a language can open doors to a world of exciting opportunities.

Teaching is not the only area of employment where language competencies are needed.

Multiple government agencies, the travel industry, business, engineering, communications, international law, economics, public policy, publishing, advertising, entertainment, scientific research, and a broad array of service sectors all have needs for people with foreign language skills.
